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AI Chatbots Advantages and Challenges [Infographic]

Let a dream come true, 24×7 customer service, greater capacity to handle customer inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction, does this sound like something you want? But with AI chatbots advantages there come also challenges which we want to highlight today. 

AI Chatbots Advantages

My first chat app I personally used was ICQ which was a chat and VOIP client. It was a revolution back in the 90s and most popular until AOL came out. Btw, AOL bought later ICQ in 1998.

Let’s be frank on this topic. Since machine learning and A.I., there was a renaissance of chatbots. All of a sudden it was a good idea to have one and some of the reasons are valid. Enhancing your chatbot with emerging technologies is for sure the best idea you can do to take a load of work away from your call center and focus on the personal touch.

AI Chatbots Advantages, Challenges and Opportunities you need to Understand

AI chatbots are critical for customer support and help improve the overall customer experience. They are so effective that almost 25% of customer service operations are expected to use chatbots by 2020. Chatbots can be used on your website, inside apps, or even on Facebook Messenger. In fact, there are over 300,000 chatbots on Facebook Messenger alone.

The infographic walks us through the facts around chatbots, the challenges you might face and takes the wind out of the sail of concerns.

What is a chatbot?

It’s an AI system used by businesses for customer communication. In other terms think about a call center where usually your customer support would answer the call of your clients. Chatbots allow you to give correct answers to expected questions.

The AI chatbot itself can learn from customer requests and provide relevant answers in the future. Many chatbots employ machine learning the improve the UX.

More than 80% of work completely autonomously without any manual intervention.

AI Chatbot Opportunities

If done right, chatbots can help take your customer experience to the next level. You can improve your customer service through prompt and effective response. It’s also possible to reduce overhead and increase your conversion rates through chatbots.

AI Chatbots Advantages in your Sales Cycle

1. Identifying Leads at the Right Time

Chatbots can offer a greater allover experience to your client on your website or app. The two-way communication experience leads to satisfaction and trust. If the dialogue goes well it can move the candidate forward to the sales funnel to take the next step.

2. More Engagement

Now comes the yellow of the egg. Of course, there is not only one single customer a chatbot can handle at the same time, but it can also connect simultaneously with multiple customers at the same time. You can offer direct product information and offers during the conversation. It does not sleep, customers can approach the chatbot 24×7 and get instant responses without waiting time. Good chatbots work without any manual intervention.

3. Data Collection

Your marketing department will be your best friend, with the chatbot you can collect deep inside data from your customer, more than just personal data. By asking the right question you can filter and analyze customer preferences and generate a more interactive way of gathering information.

4. A/B Testing

Sometimes it is a wise idea to test responses and see which one has a better outcome. The same applies to ask questions, a question answered in two different ways might bring different results. By receiving the better result A/B testing can auto-learn to favor the right question or respond in the future without manual intervention.

5. Saves Money

There is no question that AI chatbots are less expensive in maintenance than hiring a third party call center or hiring an army of employees for customer service. You can save money by leaving the complex topics to the sales team or customer service agents channeled. Your chatbot can answer the high volume of the majority inquiries.

AI Chabot Challenges

Of course, people see still challenges to implement a chatbot in their business, one of them is Security. Most of the time customers might not feel that their data is secured and would not share it in a chatbot. Overasking with not relevance can harm the security and trust of your clients. Without implicating secured connectivity the security question will stay open and a threat (speaking of SSL).

Make sure your chatbot is Likeable to attract your audience, try to keep humor and chat in an engaging manner. Take your time to develop the great user experience.

Vernacular chatbots are required, understanding your audience might be a more difficult element than you think. Adding multiple languages to your chatbot might raise challenges in the dictionaries which need to be maintained.

Consider this statistic, as far back as 2016, the Big 4 Messaging Applications (Whatsapp, Messenger, WeChat and Viber) had more monthly active users than Social Media’s Big 4 (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

Digital marketing consultant Shane Barker has created an overview of chatbots in the infographic, read it for more details. Are you using AI chatbots advantages for your business? If you plan one and need help contact the Skillz team who can help you to succeed in the mission or request a call back bt filling below form.

AI Chatbot Advantages and Challenges
Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

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