Ambition or already reality – AI in the Middle East? With Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionizing the ecosystem at lightning speed and countries including the UAE and Saudi Arabia already at the forefront of AI adoption, a survey of leading companies in the region give us an understanding where they stand with their AI implementation plans.

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionizing Middle East business operations at lightning speed and countries including the UAE and Saudi Arabia already at the forefront of AI adoption, we surveyed leading companies in the region to understand where they stand with their AI implementation plans.
Artificial Intelligence Banking & Financial Services put an Infographic together based on a survey which is highlighting the activities and facts in “AI in the Middle East”.
Here’s a snapshot of what they found
- How companies in the region are responding to the AI boom
- Where they see the positive impact of AI
- Which AI applications they are most interested in
- Which industries are spending the most on AI
Some more facts are the impressive number which the audience responded in the region to the AI boom.
- 95% respondents believe AI will have a positive impact on their company
- 70% have already allocated a set budget for AI implementation
- 62% plan to implement AI by next year itself
- 63% are actively looking to partner with AI startups
The audience sees AI in the Middle East with the highest impact of usage in refining customer insights, enhancing office automation and workflow, improving service delivery, forecasting market project and sales, monitoring cyber security and IT security, detecting fraud, and developing smart city applications and space research.
On the question of who in the organization is responsible for AI projects, the answer did surprise. 27% said IT departments are responsible, 22% said Innovation / R&D, 18% named Strategy, 15% put the agenda on Operations, 13% see them be driven from their Digital department and only 5% said All teams shall be involved.
In the infographic, “AI in the Middle East: TOP 7 Insights into the region AI Adoption Journey”, you can read further which AI applications find adoptions, and which industry sectors are spending the most on AI projects. Also, you can see some budget indicators. No projects exist without barriers, and so the questions get answered, where do people see the barriers to make the first step.
Interested to learn more about how you can implement AI in your operations and maximize on the AI revolution in the government sector?
Don’t miss the Artificial Intelligence Week Middle East from 4-5 September in Dubai and learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used for personalized citizen experience, multi-million dollar operational savings and enhanced security detection.
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