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Best Influencer Marketing Tips for Today [Infographic]

Best Influencer marketing can be achieved by understanding the rules of engagement and following them like a simple bible to maximize your ROI. Influencer marketing got socially acceptable over the last years. Marketers across all industry value working with the right influencers for their brand. Let’s have a look at how we can maximize our goals with them.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Selling fashion online, electronics or finding the next guests for your hotel. Across all industries, we can see influencers which are the spokesman for brands and are seen as an influencer by thousand of their social followers. The infographic below prepared by eBrsandz Inc below talks about “How to Do Best Influencer Marketing”. It can be seen as a starter kit for those who have not dug their toe into the water of influencer marketing or a refresher for the once who want to validate their engagement models.

Who is an Influencer?

An influencer has the ability to change behaviors or impact purchase decisions in a given context. On the social web, influencers have earned an engaged audience by producing content on specific topics.

What is Influencer Marketing?

“Influencer Marketing is the process of identifying, targeting, and connecting with individuals that have influence over your target audience rather than trying to reach that audience all on your own.” – states Ana Hoffman, Traffic Generation Cafe

The Power of Influencer Marketing

• 3% of People can Create 90% of the Impact on the Web

• 650% Return on Investment through influencer Marketing

• The Fastest Method of Client Acquisition

• The Most Cost Effective Way to Acquire New Customers

Advantages of Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is about LEVERAGING the influencers reach, authority and recognition which gives us an increased social influence to a larger audience and engages us with new customers.

Influencers are an own species of people who are suspicious to new brands since they believe into losing their influence.

Tips for Getting on the Influencer’s Radar

So it is important to understand how we can attract them. Let’s look into some tips. Link to influencers content repeatedly and shamelessly, write a bold introduction, quote them and prove an influencer’s method works; in other words become a case study. In other works gain their trust by illustrating understanding into what they do.

Follow The 3-2-1 Approach 3 Detailed Comments, 2 Social Shares, 1 LinkBack. Add a New Tip to their Post or pitch a collaborative project. Provide something the influencer needs. Make their content even better; create a Slideshare presentation or an infographic. Sometimes pimping content up with animation or an explainer video can do the job.

Influencer Marketing – Words of Wisdom

• Don’t ignore newcomers as they may turn out to be future influencers

• Choose your influencers based on the quality of their work and not based on their reach

You might ask yourself, how to reach Influencers? Sometimes you can find a contact form on their Website or find their Twitter handle or research their preferred Social Profile. Join their mailing list and reply to their email if they are using them.

Use BuzzSumo to find awesome content and Influencers who Shared them. Of course, don’t let yourself not pay attention to influencer platforms like impactana where you can find and get in touch with an influencer.

With this powerful guide, you can easily achieve a great ROI and make the best influencer marketing happen. Bookmark the page for your future reference and read the full infographic below with more details.

Best Influencer Marketing Tips for Today - How to Get the Best Out of Influencer Marketing Infographic

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