Sharing great content with your friends and followers matters. But you need to get the timing right as well to reach your audience on social media. So, when are your fans online and when do they want to read about what?
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- A great updated 2019 version of the Infographic, How to Get More Followers & Likes on Instagram
- Avasam shares more ideas on How to get more Instagram followers – from 0 to 10k!
Sharing great content with your friends and followers matters. But you need to get the timing right as well. Wonder when is the best time to post to your favorite social network? Humans follow each other, and in different cultures, we might have different habits.
Besides our different age groups, we can see also a trend that people with different interest groups using the same favorite channel.
It is already a known fact that we use our social channels based on our age group. Instagram, for example, is attracting more the younger generation, while people between 25-30 are most found on Facebook.
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, all of them have their own audience which has different rules of engagement. Making your social planner brings the question always, when is my audience active and reachable.
And don’t forget, since the majority is active on mobile, it is also simple to know when people actually have time to surf on their social networks.
You need to get up when your audience is online and catch them there at the right moment. Let’s think of great moments in Life like the Super Bowl. If you are a marketer and want to catch the attention of Super Bowl fans, you need to work on a Sunday and stay up late to actually reach them instantly.
Posting at the right time of the day can result in over 30% more engagement.
So let’s have a look where are the night birds, can we catch our audience during office hours and who is active mostly during weekends?
As we spoke about the aspects of age we also looked into the new Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 8 to Feb. 7, 2019.
Over 69% of US adults use Facebook to share and read information on social networks. Knowing that Facebook is already 15 years around (Facebook celebrated its 15th birthday) the number of users did not change a lot between 2016 and 2019.
This infographic by Fannit could give you an idea of when to post on the right social media channel:

This is very informative dieter. I will surely adopt this method and see how far it will help my marketing progress. Thanks
This is very informative dieter. Will apply this method and see how well it will work for me