Skillz Blog

Where Information is Living

Welcome to the Skillz Blog the Digital Transformation Blog of the MENA.

As of January 2025, we have more than +800 Blogs ONLINE. I want to congratulate all our contributors +50, for their contribution and look forward to their new blog entries. On our Skillz Middle East blog, we share helpful insights on everything from Digital Asset Management and Digital Transformation to eLearning, Digital Marketing, and Emerging Technologies. We also cover business infographics and lifestyle topics that we think you’ll find interesting. Based in Dubai, we take pride in reflecting the local culture while bringing you content that’s relevant, informative, and tailored to this dynamic region.

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All our blog authors contribute their posts and know-how based on the best knowledge at the time of publication. We support guest posts in our Skillz Blog with our guidelines and terms and conditions.

Be part of it and submit your guest blog to the Skillz Blog info(at)


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News in Others

The Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis [Inforgaphics]

The Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis [Inforgaphics]

In April 2023, the National Council of Nonprofits conducted a nationwide survey to gather the most up-to-date and comprehensive data on the nonprofit workforce. When nonprofits face challenges in hiring sufficient staff to deliver essential services, the community and public are directly impacted.

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March 2025
podcast | Skillz Middle East - The Digital Transformation Podcast

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