Skillz Blog
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As of January 2025, we have more than +800 Blogs ONLINE. I want to congratulate all our contributors +50, for their contribution and look forward to their new blog entries. On our Skillz Middle East blog, we share helpful insights on everything from Digital Asset Management and Digital Transformation to eLearning, Digital Marketing, and Emerging Technologies. We also cover business infographics and lifestyle topics that we think you’ll find interesting. Based in Dubai, we take pride in reflecting the local culture while bringing you content that’s relevant, informative, and tailored to this dynamic region.
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News in Lifestyle
What Kind of Freelance Work Can I Do at Home?
Working from home is an employee’s dream come true. The nightmare of office politics and the lengthy commute aside, work from home makes one more productive.
Today: Negotiating a Better Salary 5 Tips to Know [Infographic]
To at least some extent. we all work for money. Even if you’re incredibly enthusiastic about your job, you still have bills to pay and a financial future to secure. Yet when it comes time to negotiate a salary, many of us go quiet.
6 Diy Ways To Organize Your Room To Sleep Better
Could your lack of sleep be related to bedroom furniture and wall decor? The idea might seem odd when you first hear it. Well, I’ve noticed that simply changing the wall paint color or learning how to pick the perfect mattress can help to get a good night’s sleep.
What Is A Sustainable City? [Gifographic]
6 ways cities can reduce their carbon footprints. A sustainable city is an urban center that has a net-zero carbon footprint. Find out how public transit, smart energy management, and waste removal help make a city green.
News in Technology
Improving Our Writing and Advertising Skills with a Smartphone
Writing and advertising may seem like they are just about creating persuasive content. However, there is more that goes into great write-ups and adverts. You need specialized skills especially if you intend to major in advertising. So, how do you use your smartphone to improve your writing and advertising skills?
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach: How AI is Making an Impact on Technology
The concept of artificial intelligence is not a new one. The idea of automating human lives was introduced the day computers were invented. From calculating few numbers to giving voice commands, human lives have been widely impacted by technology.
How a Machine Learns to Write [Infographic]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is since months in the press and discussed up-and-down on technology shows and conferences. Machine learning is one aspect of it, so let’s have today a look at “how a machine learns to write” and AI in Art.
How Much Do You Know About Website Speed? [Infographic]
Website speed is an important topic in web development. This is especially true now that Google announced speed would be a ranking factor for mobile pages and not just desktop ones. This means trouble for a lot of websites.
News in Digital
Story Splitting for Marketing Teams [Infographic]
The marketing landscape has changed over the last decade. We can not deny that new consumer information channels and the habits of Millenials and Generation Z audiences have forced marketing to find new ways to approach them. One of the largest debates is the audience attention span. We need to catch our audience’s interest in a fraction of time and story splitting is a great approach to keep your marketing team agile.
The Importance of Customer Trust and 6 Ways to Maintain it [Infographics]
Trust between customers and brands is the bedrock of their relationship. This trust derives from customers’ belief in a company’s product or services, and its commitment to share core values. One of the best examples is Apple who managed over years the drive to achieve customer trust by their fan community for their product design and innovation.
Implementing A Digital Asset Management System: What To Consider
What To Consider When Implementing A Digital Asset Management System. Digital asset management systems (DAM) offer an efficient solution to organizations for storing, managing and retrieving their digital assets. They do this by providing a central location for them...
How to Use Email Metrics to Optimize Your Campaigns [Infographic]
Email marketers know that once a campaign has been ideated, created, and sent, the job is still far from over. It’s time to measure your success and learn from the metrics populating your dashboard. Email Metrics are key to benchmark your success and improve your conversation.
News in Others
The Surprising Effects of Business vs Leisure Travel on Health and Wellbeing
usiness travel seeing the world and enjoying great food, all on the company’s dime sounds great, right? But how does it compare Business vs Leisure Travel on stress, health being, family, children and partner?
How To Boost Your Small Biz Profits With 5 Simple Changes
In business, everything comes down to the bottom line. That’s why it’s the bottom line. Even if you’re in business for creative freedom or the joy of providing a good service, you still need to make money to survive. Profit provides possibilities. But bringing in the profits as a small business can seem pretty challenging, particularly when keeping all your daily responsibilities handled can feel like feverishly spinning plates.
How to Communicate with Different Generations in the Workplace
Communication in today’s workplace is becoming more difficult, as so many different age groups are now represented in the workforce. From tech-happy Gen Z’ers to more traditional Baby Boomers, coworkers come from very different backgrounds, and therefore each group has specific ways they choose to communicate with one another. Learn today how to overcome the challenge in your own company working together with different generations in the workspace.
Is Nurturing Startups and SMBs Essential for Governments?
Businesses need the right environment to prosper. When a government supports businesses, it leads to job creation and a more robust economy.
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