Skillz Blog
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Welcome to the Skillz Blog the Digital Transformation Blog of the MENA.
As of January 2025, we have more than +800 Blogs ONLINE. I want to congratulate all our contributors +50, for their contribution and look forward to their new blog entries. On our Skillz Middle East blog, we share helpful insights on everything from Digital Asset Management and Digital Transformation to eLearning, Digital Marketing, and Emerging Technologies. We also cover business infographics and lifestyle topics that we think you’ll find interesting. Based in Dubai, we take pride in reflecting the local culture while bringing you content that’s relevant, informative, and tailored to this dynamic region.
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News in Lifestyle
Timeline: Ten Years of Tinder [Infographic]
Ten years of Tinder, Tinder is a global online dating platform and is available in 190+ countries and 40+ languages. Interested in dating, meeting new people, expanding your social network, or meeting locals while traveling? If you’re here to meet new people, expand your social network, or meet locals when you’re traveling, you’ve come to the right place.
Increase Your Sale by Listing Properties Online
As the digital landscape continues to reshape real estate, more and more buyers are turning to technology for their home search. In fact, 66% of all real estate searches are now initiated online rather than through a realtor or browsing print ads.
Sustainability in the Hospitality Sector [Infographic]
The hospitality sector is one of the most rapidly growing and potentially sustainable industries. As the world population grows and demand for quality lodging continues to increase, it is important that hospitality businesses think about sustainability and how they can contribute positively to the environment.
The Benefits of Mindfulness in the Workplace [Infographic]
Wondering how to increase sales and improve employee mental health? Learn about the Benefits of Mindfulness in the workplace can help.
News in Technology
Secure Remote Access Software with RealVNC
Secure remote access and cloud connectivity is not only since the pandemic a hot topic for IT Managers and Administrators. Remote access enables colleagues, suppliers, and customers to communicate more effectively, breaking down barriers and driving growth.
How the Domain Name System (DNS) Functions
The world wide web (WWW) is working with IP addresses and DNS entries. The Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names into IP addresses. But how does it do that? And, perhaps even more importantly, why?
Exchange Platform for Crypto Investors in Focus: Paybis
Cryptocurrency exchange platforms seem to be increasing on a daily basis. One reason for this is the fact that there are more than 2,000 cryptocurrencies in existence as of January 2020. Paybis is an exchange platform that helps beginners to launch quickly.
How MacBooks Changed These 8 Industries [Infographic]
With the perfect balance of function and design, it’s no surprise that Mac computers are desired by many. While in the beginning MacBooks have been used by a certain group of people like designers and artists it found it’s way into the office of daily use.
News in Digital
The Infographic Design Report 2023 [Infographic]
To truly capture the essence of what’s shaping the design world in 2023, we’ve curated a list of seven standout infographic design trends and data visualization predictions. And, to make it even more fitting, we’ve brought it all to life in the form of an infographic!
How to Find a Perfect Audience on Social Media [Infographic]
Reaching the perfect audience with your social media campaigns is key to improving efficiency and driving better results. So, how do you figure out who and where to target?Bang Productions explores how to find a perfect audience on social media in its recently...
How to Utilize Instagram Content for Marketing Purpose
Instagram as we all know is a photo-sharing platform that has been constantly evolving. One of the major breakthroughs Instagram made was introducing reels and it has not stopped ever since.
Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid In 2022
Social media marketing has become essential for businesses of all sizes to reach customers, build brand awareness and drive sales. These platforms are also a great way to find potential new customers who are interested in what you have to offer.
News in Others
Guide to Rehiring After COVID-19 [Infographic]
If your country is beginning to slowly reopen due to COVID-19, your company may be looking to rehire. If you’re at a point where your team can bring staff back on board, you may be curious about what the rehiring after COVID-19 process looks like during a “new...
What Hiring Managers Value vs. What Job Applicants Think Matters [Infographic]
When you apply for a job did you ever wonder what is the most important element during an interview for the hiring managers? Learn from job applicants who tend to overestimate the impact of knowing someone at the company during the hiring process. Don’t trap into the same mistake they do, they underestimate the impact of personality, according to recent research from Simply Hired.
The Career Woman's Guide to Self-advocacy at Work [Infographic]
We spend a lot of our time at work. When we’re surrounded by the same people for 40 hours per week, we want the office to be as comfortable as possible. But even in the post peaceful offices, tricky situations sometimes arise and force us into uncomfortable...
How to Land a Job by Working with a Recruiter Virtually [Infographic]
Landing a job is tough in this competitive post-pandemic climate, and there are so many applicants competing against each other. Read today how you can manage a virtual job interview and how to work with a recruiter virtually the best way.
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