Skillz Blog

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Welcome to the Skillz Blog the Digital Transformation Blog of the MENA.

As of January 2025, we have more than +800 Blogs ONLINE. I want to congratulate all our contributors +50, for their contribution and look forward to their new blog entries. On our Skillz Middle East blog, we share helpful insights on everything from Digital Asset Management and Digital Transformation to eLearning, Digital Marketing, and Emerging Technologies. We also cover business infographics and lifestyle topics that we think you’ll find interesting. Based in Dubai, we take pride in reflecting the local culture while bringing you content that’s relevant, informative, and tailored to this dynamic region.

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All our blog authors contribute their posts and know-how based on the best knowledge at the time of publication. We support guest posts in our Skillz Blog with our guidelines and terms and conditions.

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News in Lifestyle

The Long-Day Stretch: 12 Stretches For Remote Work [Infographics]

The Long-Day Stretch: 12 Stretches For Remote Work [Infographics]

If you’re like many, you’ve had to adjust to bringing our work life into our homes and do remote work. Although there are perks to working from home, such as skipping the daily painful commute and staying safe from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, sitting at your home desk all day can take a toll on your health.

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8 Best Part-Time and Freelance Job Sites

8 Best Part-Time and Freelance Job Sites

You have made the decision to be your own boss and work as a freelancer? Now it is about time to find a freelance job and the world wide web is the best place to look out for it. 100 websites can connect people to each other, the ones who look for someone who offers a job and hosting the others who seek freelancers.

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News in Technology

404 Errors: Things That Could Happen [Gifographic]

404 Errors: Things That Could Happen [Gifographic]

Having a great design and building excellent user experience for your site visitors is essential to survive in the jungle of the world wide web. However, one of the elements people forget about is technical SEO which needs to be fulfilled. 404 Error is one element which needs to be taken care of.

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The Future of Transcription and its Importance

The Future of Transcription and its Importance

Some people think about transcription a lot while for others the thought doesn’t even cross their minds. Either way, you’re okay. While transcription can be described as the process of converting speech to text messages, others find it “counter-intuitive”.

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News in Digital

Gen Z and Millennials Social Commerce Habits [Infographics]

Gen Z and Millennials Social Commerce Habits [Infographics]

We know by now that Gen-Z and Millenials are the most active age groups when it comes to social media, e-commerce, and digital consumption of content. The always-connected user is always consuming information nearly 24x7x365. In this infographic, we can read what 350 American Gen-Z and Millenials think about buying through social media.

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5 Reasons Why Content Writers Should Consider Social Media Marketing

5 Reasons Why Content Writers Should Consider Social Media Marketing

Content writing is a vast field that has seen tremendous growth since the last decade. The question comes maybe to many content writers’ minds. Why should a Content Writer consider Social Media Marketing? Websites and blogs have popped up everywhere, all over the internet, and business owners are now hiring writers to create fresh new articles for their websites every day. 

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News in Others

Sell Your Business With Ebooks: 25 Tips [Infographic]

Sell Your Business With Ebooks: 25 Tips [Infographic]

Sell your business with eBooks sounds may be old fashion, but wait until you discovered the hidden gems. It’s a little longer than your average blog post, and more text-based than an infographic, an ebook is something that can give a detailed insight into your brand’s expertise and understanding of your business field. Not only does it help in lead generation, but it also helps in establishing your brand as a leader and expert within your target market.

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How to Handle Business Conflicts [Infographic]

How to Handle Business Conflicts [Infographic]

Many founders, co-founders, and business partners know what it’s like to bump heads with one another. New endeavors often bring people together who care strongly about their work. These people can get deeply involved with their work and ideas, which can be great for creating new ventures and solutions.

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More Sales? Clever tricks to Drive Your Business into Red Numbers

More Sales? Clever tricks to Drive Your Business into Red Numbers

Your Website (Home page) is without a doubt the most important page of an online store (e-commerce shop). It has the power to propel sales, but if it is not strategically designed it can also hurt the business greatly. Continue reading and learn more tricks on how to drive more sales for your business in the era of globalization.

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March 2025
podcast | Skillz Middle East - The Digital Transformation Podcast

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