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End of Service of RC4 Encryption for Adobe Sign generated PDFs

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In January 2021 Adobe Sign will end the use of RC4 encryption in the Adobe Sign application and transition all accounts using RC4 to AES-128 Encryption.

Existing PDFs will remain unaffected by this change.

Adobe Sign deprecated the use of the 128-bit RC4 encryption method early in 2020 as support for the RC4 cipher option is no longer considered to be secure.

The use of this cipher is to be eliminated in January 2021
Adobe Sign will continue to offer the AES-128 and AES-256 cipher, which are both very strong, industry-standard options



Accounts configured for RC4 PDF encryption will have that setting upgraded automatically to AES-128
Accounts configured for AES-128 or AES-256 encryption will remain the same

Adobe Sign Secuirty Settings

Posted : 04/09/2020 6:31 pm