Digital Asset Management ROI (DAM) comes with the efficient means for centralizing, managing, locating, tracking and sharing digital assets within organizations. It is a central repository for photos, graphics, videos, presentations, documents and other media.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dr.Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

A digital asset is any form of rich media in digital form. This includes stock photos, graphics, videos, presentations, documents, audio and other media files.

The lifecycle of a digital asset covers creation, manage, deliver, track and reuse of assets.

Digital assets play an essential role in our day’s life in organizations. But still, one out 10 companies is already using a digital asset management solution. The value of your organization’s digital assets reflects in the time, and creative investment accelerates brand growth and makes marketing enablement.

On the off chance that we need to comprehend where the digital asset went, we will be astounded. Without a DAM the most widely recognized sharing methods lead to asset abuse or loss. People share them via email (71%), USB Drives (69%) and Public Drives (55%).

Sharing digital assets with the outside world is a sensitive topic which still 96% of all people don’t really consider as the security breach. 90% of organizations have lost confidential assets over the previous 12 months. This can result in file misuse which can effect expensive repercussions. For example, a freelance photographer filed copyright infringement lawsuit against BuzzFeed Inc. for over $3.6 million in damages.

Digital Asset Management ROI

The value of visual files is apparent, 65% of our audience are visual learners. It is proven in many statistics that videos are shared 1,200% more than link and text posts compared. Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text. On social media and social networks like Facebook, photos get 53% more likes. Platforms in social media receive on visual content 104% more comments and 84% more click-through.

Visual content considers an extraordinary importance for brand consistency, shows also in numbers the infographic.

Let’s have a brief look at the benefits of using a DAM. By securing anytime your assets from unauthorized usage, to be able to anywhere access assets and by connecting your teams, files, and brand. The benefits of findability, access, security, brand growth, collaboration, user experience, time savings, and speed are speaking for themselves. If just 10 people at your company spend 1 hour each week searching for a file, it sums up to 3.25 months of wasted time each year at your company.

The infographic looks also at the fact that complete DAM solutions are most of the times offered and used in the cloud. The speed of deployment costs savings, scalability, accessibility and continues updates drives this trend.

Read in the infographic which summarizes the Digital Asset Management ROI with some more facts and statistics.

The Breakdown of Digital Asset Management ROI [Infographic]

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