Email versus direct mail marketing: Which gives marketers the best results? The answer, as you might suspect, is not a clear cut.
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The right mix of the two methods can help marketers get the most out of their campaigns, suggests an infographic by UK marketing firm Proactive.
Based on the UK population the study found that 70% of the UK say, “I feel that I receive too many emails.” Another finding is in regards of, which is more memorable? Only 44% of people could recall the brand directly after seeing a digital ad, whereas 75% could directly after receiving direct mail.
79% of consumers act on direct mail immediately compared to only 45% who act on email straightaway. Direct mail generates a 4.4% response rate, compares to email’s average response rate is 0.12%. And direct mail generates 10% mores customers than emails (34% direct mail, 24% email)
The study found also that customers spend 25% more when a business uses a mix of direct mail and email marketing, the infographic explains. The numbers speak for themselves.
There’s a right time to use each method, and that depends on your business’s goals and what you want to communicate. For example, people preferred to receive an email to get news and updates from a company but direct mail for a catalog.
To see more about how direct mail marketing and email, or direct mail vs email, can be put to use, see the infographic below.

nice post
Nice write-up bro