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Today Email vs SMS: Battle of the Heavyweights [Infographic]

Is it the fight between the oldie and the young star? Or the giant Goliath against the much younger David? Email vs SMS is the question for many organizations and marketers, let’s have a look if we can see a clear winner.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

Ladies and gentleman, today we have the two class fight of the oldie and the young star, Email vs SMS. In the blue corner our all-time favorite Email and in the red corner the younger challenger SMS. Who of the one is the choice of our marketers, who of the one is the best for your marketing efforts?

SMS is maybe a much younger way how we can reach our audience with advisement. Email marketing compared to SMS is much longer around. But to be honest we doubt the efficiency today and we called it maybe many times dead.

Some 74 trillion emails are sent every year, and “only” 8 trillion text messages, according to an infographic from the UK based company, Text Marketer that compares the two opponent.

On average, business people receive 121 emails per day, whereas Millennials on average receive 67 texts, the infographics tell us. The Infographic has been put together with stats from sources like Redicati Group, Domo, Business Insider, Gartner, CTIA, Slick Text, Web.com, Digital Marketing Magazine, and Flowroute.

The fans of the blue cornered Email marketing may win in volume, but, their open rates hover around 20%, compared with 98% for SMS.

But how about being not one-sided, how about we look into a cocktail, take the best from each of the sides?  Well, as we can read below, there are certain types of information that consumers prefer to receive via text, including appointment reminders, prescription refills, and service outages, so the fight stays on between Email vs SMS.

My favorite is to learn that over 95% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes. With most on average being read in under 5 seconds. A winner between Email vs SMS?

This knowledge gives me the clear sign that last minute bargain shall be advertised with SMS. This way we can target our audience precise right before our offers expire and we can get them quickly to the point.

To see more about the battle of  the big channels, Email vs SMS and how to match went against each other, check out the infographic:

Email vs SMS: Battle of the Heavyweights

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