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Flextime Can Transform Workplace Productivity (Post-Pandemic) [Infographic]

When we head back to our offices once the pandemic that’s disrupted our business and personal lives is over, many of us will have grown accustomed to working from home – on our own schedule. For many people working from home was not on the radar from their company. But flextime might be. 

What is Flextime and how does it work?

Flextime is work police implemented by companies around the globe that allows employees to choose their work schedule with certain rules and conditions in place. For example, are a lot of jobs not fixed on a certain hour of the day, however, targets need to be meet and rules for optimum efficiency and productivity.

The infographic illustrates the office productivity by numbers. 

  • 70% of employees feel that a job comes more attractive if it allowed flexible working hours
  • 67% of employees wish their company had a flexible working policy (powwownow)
  • 30% of workers would rather choose flextime benefits over a pay increase if they were to chose only one.
  • 89% of British workers believe that working flexible arrangements boost productivity (Financial Time)
  • 60% of flexible workers say their flextime setup makes them more productive and engaged in the office (The Motley Fool)
  • Among working parents, 84% consider work flexibility as the most important factor in a job (Forbes)

In the infographic, you can read how flextime is practiced around the globe with the sample from the United States, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, and Philipines. Germany is always looking into the facts to lower the unemployment rate and use flextime for jobs with lower working hours. This reduces taxes and insurance costs and gives the opportunity to hire two employees.

In Denmark, the standard workweek covers only 29 hours with flexible work schedules for employees. 

Considering the history I personally believe that the US was leading when it comes to working from home and flextime. The target-driven industries and jobs did not look into the clock when it comes to working time. The social aspects in Italy are leading the model for working parents and employees with a health issue.

The benefits of flextime is seen on both sides, the employer and employee. The benefits are found in mental health, cost savings and in easier recruitment.  For many employees, that flexibility can drive high levels of satisfaction, it releases stress not to have the work balance topic in the back of your head, whether that means saving commute time or daycare and babysitter costs.

Companies can see the benefit when their employees are more satisfied and motivated. Productivity improves and company reputation gets a boost as a “good place to work.”

An infographic from Philippines-based specialist recruitment agency Manila Recruitment  outlines a five-step plan for implementing flextime.

  1. Have a plan
  2. Set a task accomplishment policy
  3. Specify Communication Channel
  4. Conduct a Trial run
  5. Get your managers involved

Flextime works for any size of the company. Special in the given time we can learn all from a more flexible model of working. Some thoughts come maybe with a cultural background which limits often the mindset. Also, we shall keep one thing in mind which is key for success: Motivation!

Flextime Can Transform Workplace Productivity (Post-Pandemic) [Infographic]
Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

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