Your marketing mix probably consists of a variety of channels: print, email, social, maybe even television and radio. With varying returns on investment across all those methods, a savvy marketer is always looking at which channels bring down costs and increase revenues. How can you do better marketing ROI with Google AdWords?
Google AdWords can be a great way to achieve those ROI goals, and this infographic by digital marketing agency SMBclix explains the details.
With an average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) of $1.44, Google AdWords came in lower than other marketing channels, including social media ($2.50), newspaper ($16.00), and direct mail ($57.00), according to data cited in the infographic.
The top three paid ad spots get 41% of clicks on a Google search results page, the infographic says, and Google’s display campaigns reach 80% of global Internet users.
At SMBclix we love Google Adwords and SEO. We hate bad marketing! In our opinion, bad marketing is any marketing campaign that doesn’t produce a positive return on investment. Some of the more traditional forms of advertising such as newspaper advertising, command really high fee’s and in our opinion don’t produce great results anymore – unless you have a monster budget and don’t need to actively measure the ROI from your marketing campaign.
Because we love Google Adwords so much and hate bad marketing, even more, we decided to create a Google Adwords Infographic to compare pay per click advertising with some other advertising platforms, to illustrate just how much more value you can get from a Google Adwords campaign versus some other advertising options. Whether you are looking to increase ROI on your marketing budget, or just simply measure the results of your marketing campaigns better, Google Adwords is the answer!
Ready to see how Google AdWords might help your ROI transforming such to Better Marketing ROI? check out the infographic.
![Better Marketing ROI With Google AdWords [Infographic] Better Marketing ROI With Google AdWords [Infographic]](
So Intresting
Helpful post, keep posting
Really informative post for Adwords.
Amazing 🙂
Great article
Indeed change is a factor of life. The new marketing avenue is seeming very lucrative. I am considering it greatly. Thanks for the word.
Great advice!!
Great article with sound advice!
Awesome info, really useful:) Thanks for sharing!
Quite informative! great article to understand Google Adwords
Very key article. Lots of great information thanks for providing it all to us!
Wow… This is very interesting article. Thanks for sharing
Very nice and informative infographic. I did not realize that google adwords CPM was so low. Thanks for sharing.
great article very well written article keep it up 🙂
This is super helpful! Bookmarking it for reference 🙂
This is an amazing article. I might start using Google adwords soon. This will be immensely useful.
Interesting !!