iPhone from Apple, either you Love it or you hate it. When the first version was released people compared the iPhone was a stone. iPhone 8 is the coming up release and promising as always surprise and news for the fans, let’s have a look into some early iPhone 8 Gossip.
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Hints about the iPhone 8 are rolling in thick and fast. Not long after the iPhone 7 was released there was plenty of hype around the new model because it will be the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. There must come something quite impressive, otherwise, I would not call it Apple anymore. Apple stands for setting brand standards and innovation, so let’s hope the best.
Personal one of the features I am really looking forward to is ‘Wireless charging support’, man this just would be finally cool, let’s get rid of our cables. Forget processor, RAM, Touch ID sensor all of them can stay if you would ask me.
Many expect it to be radically different than previous editions. There are lots of reports coming in of new features and different designs. We’ve collected the most talked about leaks and speculation.
Take a look at the infographic below. If you’d like to use it, feel free but make sure to credit Repairly. Keep in mind, all mention here is still a rumor about iPhone 8 and nothing confirmed by Apple. But have fun to see the Infographic below, “iPhone 8 Gossip”.

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