How does not know the feeling of having an overloaded email inbox on Monday morning? Compared to marketers we are afraid of looking them through while marketers want our attention to only their email, so how to prioritize your inbox content.

Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

What keeps marketers awake at night is the dream of double digits click-rates in their email campaigns, social media campaigns with organic reposts by influencers. But also one major topic is finally reaching Inbox Zero. Inbox Zero is a rigorous approach to email management aimed at keeping the inbox empty or almost empty, at all times.

That last dream may not be so far in reach according to an infographic by NetCredit which can help finally in this mission.

Email is the number one communication tool used in our days. Housekeeping is required even if we do not like to hear this.

For the majority of us, emails add a huge convenience to our daily lives. 83% of employees actually become more stressed when using email, the infographic reveals. Yes, for sure it is hard to filter what is relevant and what is important. Where do we get started, how to prioritize your inbox?

Also, a busy marketer faces the same issue, an overload of information in a single inbox. The infographic also shares with us the top 4 stress triggers for full inboxes and highlights that 28% of our work time we spend on managing our email. Emails are all present in our life through even our smart mobile devices which forces 42% of all Americans to check their emails in bathrooms. Seems like it is ruling our lives and we need to achieve a way around it.

But listen to this, any notification we receive will train our brain for 64 seconds before we can release a new thought. Doesn’t this sound dangerous since we receive hundreds of notifications per day?

The infographic gives tips on filtering, adding productivity apps, and creating templates that can assist you manage that out-of-control inbox. It illustrates 10 ways how to get on top of your emails.

how to prioritizi your inbox

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