24th GCC Smart Government and Smart Cities Conference

The 24th GCC Smart Government and Smart Cities Conference has taken place during 06-10/05/2018 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The event was hosted for the 24th time by Datamatrix.
The conference is open for experts and practitioners in the field of electronic government to present the latest offerings and advances in ICT infrastructure, government portals, and techniques for online transactions and smart services. As well, global case studies are to be presented on GCC e-Government success and challenges and how to overcome these to attain the perfect state of e-Governance.
On the sidelines of the conference, the winners of 23rd Middle East Smart Government and Smart Cities Excellence Awards have been honored, including institutions and personalities. The awards are adopted by the conference, and aim to promote competition among government agencies in the field of smart cities, in an effort to help exchange of expertise and promote customer satisfaction, stimulate the culture of excellence, highlight the successful experiences, develop mutual initiatives, and improve practices of e-government and smart cities in the GCC States.
More to Datamatrix 25th GCC Government and Smart Cities Conference, April 21.-25. in Dubai
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