Do you feel tranquility calm when surrounded by green fields and blue skies? Or perhaps slightly alarmed when staring at a red stop sign? Psychology of Colors is an important element in any modern marketing strategy.
How do Colors Influence People?
Red – Creates a sense of urgency, which is good for clearance sales. Encourages appetite, thus is frequently used by fast-food chains. Physically stimulates the body, raising blood pressure and heart rate, associated with movement, excitement, and passion.
Blue – The preferred color of men. It’s associated with peace, water, tranquility, and reliability. Blue provides a sense of security, curbs appetite, and stimulates productivity. The most common color used by conservative brands looking to promote trust in their products.
Green – Associated with health, tranquility, power, and nature. Used in stores to relax customers and for promoting environmental issues. Green stimulates harmony in your brain and encourages a balance leading to decisiveness.
Purple – Commonly associated with royalty, wisdom, and respect. Stimulates problem-solving as well as creativity. Frequently used to promote beauty and anti-aging products.
Orange & Yellow – Cheerful colors that promote optimism. Yellow can make babies cry, while orange can trigger a sense of caution. Used to create a sense of anxiety that can draw in impulsive buyers and window shoppers.
Black – Associated with authority, power, stability, and strength. Often a symbol of intelligence, but can become overwhelming if used too frequently.
Grey – Symbolizes feelings of practicality, old age, and solidarity. But too much grey can lead to feelings of nothingness and depression.
White – Associated with feelings of purity, cleanliness, and safety. Can be used to project an absence of color or neutrality. White space helps spark creativity since it can be perceived as an unaltered, clean state.
Properly Using Color Theory
Use contrasts to reduce eyestrain and allow readers to focus their attention on specific items. Vibrancy can dictate the emotional response users have to your design.
For example, choosing brighter colors can lead users to feel more energetic, which can evoke better responses and reactions. But if your website is information-intensive, you may find that a darker color theme will make it easier for readers to process all your data.
How Are Major Brands Using Colors?
McDonald’s chooses high-energy colors like red and yellow which appeal to children, Kindle appetites and create a sense of urgency. Of course, Ronald McDonald himself is popular with the kids, but he’s also sure to agitate parents quickly. This facilitates faster customer turnover.
It’s scary to think how powerful this tactic has been for Micky D’s, which might not have been the same ridiculously big chain it is today without using red and yellow so effectively. McDonald’s sure wouldn’t be so popular trying to market all that unhealthy food using the color green!
Interestingly, the only major global brand to use green as its primary color is Starbucks. Using green shows that Starbucks hopes to promote a sense of relaxation in their cafes, inviting customers to come in for a coffee break during a stressful day.
How are you incorporating color into your branding and marketing efforts? See the infographic below which sums it up how to use Psychology of Colors in your marketing strategy.

Thanks a lot very much for the high quality and results-oriented help.
wow nice work and u explain it very well
Nice information thank you for sharing
very interesting thanks
Your provides a great information. Thank you so much. Keep it up.
Thanks for sharing such a amazing story and video. The video was really awesome..looking forward for more
Thanks for sharing such a amazing story and video. The video was really awesome.. I could not skip it for a seconds also.
nice article
Really very good articles for color marketing and very effective now a days.
So good article very informational
and good for bloggers.
nice article thnx for share
Studies have revealed our brains prefer immediately recognizable brands, which makes color an important element when creating a brand identity. One journal article even suggests it’s important for new brands to pick colors that ensure differentiation from entrenched competitors — personally, I think we’re getting into minutiae without additional context, such as how and why you’re positioning against a direct competitor, and how you’re using color to achieve that goal.
great article thanks for sharing
This was really interesting to read!
nice article dear, interesting information………..
Hey, I came here for the first time and to say the truth this is an amazing article. I love the way you enriched us with knowledge through this post
That s amazing
very interesting
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Crazy how something as simple as colours affects us and we wouldn’t even notice!
This is an awesome and a complete piece. It has all the information at one place. Very interesting!
What a great read! Colour really does make a big difference and not a lot of people realize it.
I agree with this. I was a dentist and colours were very important in surgery design to make patients feel relaxed
And yellow means happiness. ?
Hi Dieter,
Great read! Colors definitely make an impact. Blue is the colour of my blog, which (as you rightly pointed out) is associated with reliability, provides a sense of security, and promotes trust in a brand, just what I need!
I love the infographic too. Great job 🙂
Best regards,
Thank you Pedro, did you know when Microsoft made the first Interface research for Windows they found out that Blue is the most calming color for everyone on earth?
I love this blog post! I studied use of colours in advertising briefly at GCSE and so really enjoyed reading this:)
Each and every color has its own meaning and effect. We tend to buy any product that is appealing, but never thought that color can also influence us. Nice read.
Interesting read! I’ve never thought about using colour psychology before but will definitely keep it in mind
Hi, I like green perhaps thats why I love tea and I’m drawn to Star Bucks. Fascinating read.
Great information presented here, definitely I will keep this info in mind since I’m working on my logo.
I love this! It’s something I’ve been playing around with my site so it’s timely. I think it’s something we don’t think about in the way you present it: ie. “I like the color pink so I’m making this infographic pink” without thinking about how that color will be subconsciously processed by the viewers. I bookmarked this to come back give a loooong close read this week-end.
Very interesting thanks!
Jaimi Pocketsfullofdaisies