If you’re stressed out about giving a presentation, you’re not alone. Read today nine great tips that can help you determine the root of your anxiety in public speaking and overcome it.

Is your anxiety situation-, audience, or goal-based? If it’s situation-based, flip it, recommends the following Stanford Graduate School of Business (GBS) infographic.

The majority of people experience anxiety when presenting in front of people. You can overcome your fear by first determining the basis of this anxiety, and then applying these mitigating techniques, Stanford GSB lecturer, coach, and author Matt Abrahams explain how.

“Since the physiological manifestations of anxiety are similar to excitement (e.g., increased heart rate), trick yourself into feeling good about presenting by seeing your physical reaction as excitement,” says Matt Abrahams.

Is your Anxiety …
Situation Based, Where you’re presenting?
Audience Based, To whom you are presenting?
Goal Based, What you are trying to achieve?

Techniques can help us to overcome any of them by using acknowledge, flip it, visualize, connect, outsmart, reframe things, reshift, refocus and be present. Out of my personal experience, I can for sure say that knowing the subject is the first step in overcoming any of your anxiety.

One of my favorite recommendations is to talk about the presentation with colleagues or friends. This would also increase your level of confident talking about a subject. “You are not performing but conversing,” suggests the infographic. “No longer will you feel there is only one right way to present.”

To get more tips about overcoming anxiety in public speaking, read the full infographic below. Share your experience and let us know which of the techniques helped you the most in public speaking, use our commenting section below.

Nine Tips to Help You Conquer Your Public Speaking Anxiety
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