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What are NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens [Infographic]
NFTs have been the most popular and trending topic in the market 2021, with sales of Non fungible tokens (NFTs) have grown from $41 million in 2018 to $2.5 billion in the first half of 2021.
Top Power BI Mistakes to Avoid
Today in our blog we want to highlight top Power Business Intelligence Mistakes to avoid in Microsoft BI Projects.
Gen Z and Millennials Social Commerce Habits [Infographics]
We know by now that Gen-Z and Millenials are the most active age groups when it comes to social media, e-commerce, and digital consumption of content. The always-connected user is always consuming information nearly 24x7x365. In this infographic, we can read what 350 American Gen-Z and Millenials think about buying through social media.