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How To Close a Sale: 12 Sales Tips for Success [Infographics]
What makes a great salesperson? Can anyone be a great salesperson? The question got answered in many articles here on the web. From Havard Business School to blogs, research firms, and others. Today we want to share with you proven tips to help salespeople to seal the deal. Read more insides to the infographics “How to close Sale: 12 Sales Tips for Success.”
2021 Web Design Stats and Trends [Infographic]
The digital world we live in is focusing on presenting information and content in many formats on various channels over a website. This means for 2021 web design to understand the site visitor more than ever before. The average person takes 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about a website. Since the majority of humans are visually orientated, 94% of those initial impressions are related to design elements.
Protect Against COVID-19 Vaccine Scams [Infographics]
During the current global pandemic, people are suffering in many ways. This forces them to search for opportunities and options to escape from suffering economic impacts, save money, time or get an early advantage in a pandemic situation. Whenever needs are getting high you can be sure scammers will appear on the scene to make a quick profit. The latest appearance is COVID-19 vaccine scams which hit the mainstream.