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How Companies use Sales Tools: 15 Eye-opening Statistics [Infographics]
If you are not using sales tools in your organization you might find the below statistics useful to understand how they can increase productivity and sales. Read what and how it can help your teams and whatnot. The statistics might put it in a different perspective.
The Long-Day Stretch: 12 Stretches For Remote Work [Infographics]
If you’re like many, you’ve had to adjust to bringing our work life into our homes and do remote work. Although there are perks to working from home, such as skipping the daily painful commute and staying safe from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, sitting at your home desk all day can take a toll on your health.
21 Must-Know Instagram Facts for 2021 [Infographic]
Did you know that more than 1 billion people in the world use Instagram? The fact is that over 95 million posts are shared every day, on average. With the booming industry of influencers, people earn enough money to even make a living there. It’s time to look into Instagram facts in 2021 to understand the success.