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5 Benefits of Power Napping at Work [Infographic]

5 Benefits of Power Napping at Work [Infographic]

Do you catch yourself falling asleep at work way too often? It’s not uncommon. For many of us, that wave of exhaustion hits us midday after lunch, usually sometime between two and three o’clock. The time at which that wave of sleep hits is irrelevant, though. The fact is, you’re getting tired for a reason, and that’s because your body is craving a nap.

How Startup Funding Works [Infographic]

How Startup Funding Works [Infographic]

Financing a startup is not a simple process. If this is your first time funding a business, don’t worry. We’ll break down every step of the process and how it impacts your ownership. The first thing to understand about funding is that is not done all at once. There are multiple rounds of funding that occur as the business grows.