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15 Ways to Generate Sales with Offers and Deals for Your Business
Most business owners know the four P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. After you’ve done the hard part of developing a product(s), brand, and store (online or brick-and-mortar), it’s time to figure out your promotional content.
Happy Birthday – 30 Years of World Wide Web [Infographic]
You would have a much better understanding of the World Wide Web if you knew a bit about the differences between the internet and the World Wide Web. Confusing enough that our way of using words especially when we talk sometimes does not reflect what we mean.
2019 Surprising Statistics in Social Media [Infographic]
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Social Networks had a much earlier day of birth. Social networking was born one day in 1971, when the first email was sent. The two computers were sitting right next to each other. The message said “qwertyuiop’. 2019 Surprising Statistics show who is in favor of the users on their Social Media Network.