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How to Be Successful at University some Life Hacks

Whether you are joining university from college, school, or employment, you definitely want to know how to be successful at the university. You might even wonder how university differs from college or school.

Alice Yoon is a human right activist, a student, and researcher. Ann believes every human deserves a great deal of respect and dignity and has worked with several bodies as a volunteer. She has visited several countries in Europe and Africa. And her academic interests include disability rights, and conflict studies and human rights.
Alice Yoon

Guest Writer

Of course, some things will be different because a university is an institution for higher learning. For instance, you will be required to engage in critical thinking more than just remembering what you are taught. You will also have many things to do and assignments to complete. That’s why at some point you might pose and ask how do I get my homework done as quickly as possible?

But, the good thing about university is that you will have more independence and control over when, how, and what you study. Here are some of the things that will enable you to be successful at the university.

How to Be Successful at University
Image Credit: Pixabay

Know it’s Up to You

Upon your admission at the university, bear in mind that how things turn out will largely be up to you. This includes when and how you will do things. For instance, you may realize that you have several assignments due at almost the same time. Therefore, you need to know how to plan your time so that you can meet the set deadlines. This will save you panic and stress that comes with the last minute rush to complete assignments.

There are many people that can help you with assignments. They include senior students, program tutors, and a personal tutor. If you are stuck when doing homework, seek assistance in advance because most university professors do not take excuses for late submission of assignments.

Seek Help from Colleagues

You can never accomplish anything if you decide to do everything alone at the university. That’s why professors assign students group assignments. Ideally, you should share your challenges with other students. If you are not sure about something or if you find yourself struggling to complete an assignment, seek assistance.

Universities have many services and people that are willing and ready to help students. Therefore, take advantage of programs like Peer Assisted Study Sessions to deal with complex study issues.

Don’t Expect to Know Everything

You can’t know everything in your course. In fact, you can take your entire lifetime to comprehend everything on a given topic. Therefore, when assigned a task, know what the professor wants you to write. Find out what you should know before you embark on completing the assignment. Choose the sources to use to conduct your research.

If you want to get specific information from a book in the library, ask a library staff to assist you. Nevertheless, if unable to find the information required to complete an assignment, seek professional help. Engage the best custom writing service online to complete your assignment with ease.

Take Useful Notes

If you decide to write everything that your lecturer says, you won’t listen to what they say attentively. Therefore, take notes of the selected points only. Highlight or underline important notes to ensure that they become obvious. If something important strikes your mind, add it to your notes.

However, make sure that you mark your thoughts clearly as your ideas. Additionally, check the handouts because they may have figures and dates that you may want to include in your notes.

How to Be Successful at University - Take Useful Notes
Image Credit: Pixabay

Develop Strong Arguments

Being successful at the university is largely not about how much a student knows but how well they understand it. To prove your understanding of concepts, you must develop strong arguments. Make sure that your arguments come out clearly as your own and support them with evidence. Demonstrate clear and critical thinking in your arguments. For instance, say what you have to say, where you learned about it, how and why you think it works.

Develop Skills

You go to university to learn and develop important skills. Therefore, develop study practices that will enable you to accomplish this goal. Learn from the feedback that tutors give you. Reflect on things that you excel at and note where you can do better. Take time to do things that you love and socialize outside the lecture hall.

Follow these tips and you will definitely be successful at the university.

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