Over the last decade or so the world has built up an adjustment in viewpoint from analog to digital. Presently everyone looks for a piece of information online, this makes digital marketing the best methodology for organizations to interface with focused customers. Technology is getting advanced and we are entering the Revolution in Digital Marketing.
Quick Information on Social Media Usage and Habits Statistics [Infographic]
Social media is an integral tool in any digital marketer’s arsenal. However, not everyone uses these social channels in the same way. Have you ever stopped to think about the nuances in your audience’s social media behavior? It’s time to look into Social Media Usage based on the generation wave, who is spending time where?
5 Great Online Business Ideas to Start in 2019 [Inforgraphic]
Dіd уоu knоw thаt 75% оf Amеrісаnѕ would rather fосuѕ оn a job or саrееr they’re раѕѕіоnаtе аbоut if it were financially fеаѕіblе; however, оnlу 37% hаvе асtuаllу ѕtаrtеd a ѕіdе buѕіnеѕѕ and online business ideas seem to be the best choice?
How to Continually Boost Conversation Rates With the Help of Effective Copywriting.
Marketers are having one single goal, increase the conversation rate. If you are in online business, your success is depending on effective copywriting.
10 Modern Tech Disrupting Digital Marketing [Infographic]
Technology is sometimes a blessing but most of the time a challenge. Organizations and marketers are suffering to most of the time to play catch-up instead of benefiting from technology. 10 Modern Technologies which are Disrupting Digital Marketing and still try to find their way to benefit everybody.
5 Big Mistakes To Avoid In Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing can give you greater access to your audience, spread your brand message and raise brand awareness. According to a study, “94% of those who used influencer marketing believed it to be effective, and another 48% in the United States planned to increase their budget for this tactic.” Time to increase our majurity and look into the 5 big mistakes we can avoid in influencer marketing.
Your Giant Email Marketing Statistics Guide [Infographic]
Email in 2019, still the best converting digital marketing channel which you should not miss in your marketing strategy. Email – the rock-solid, time-and-customer-tested, Marketing-approved way to attract your customers coming back for more, read today more about Email Marketing Statistics.
Lead Generation: A complete guide on how to use Infographics
Between a wall of text and visual content, which one is likely to catch and retain your attention? The brain processes images faster than text. As a marketer, you only have a few seconds to make an impression before your audience’s attention gets pulled away by something else. With this, and at the risk of sounding cliché: show, don’t tell.
80 Common SEO and Technical Mistakes on E-Commerce Websites [Infographic]
Marketers are struggling with pitfalls all over the place when working with websites and...
Push Notifications vs. SMS vs. Email: A Comparison [Infographic]
Push notifications, email, and SMS can reach your client in highly personalized ways, and they behalf and perform very similarly. The goals of your marketing campaign can easily be achieved. Time to take a closer look and understand more.
READ TODAY: Cracking the Video Marketing Code [Infographic]
A video is becoming an essential element of every marketing strategy mix. The question which remains is, who is your target audience before you start to create a video? Which video type fits for my mission?
What Do CMOs Predict for 2019? [Infographic]
If only you could read the thoughts of successful CMOs to see what they are planning for 2019, a...
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