How to make your WordPress website faster? You can take various approaches to fix this, but first,...
They didn’t build that! Ideas Apple bought, borrowed and stole [Infographic]
Apple may be the most successful tech company ever. But who’s responsible for the innovations, which Ideas Apple bought is the question.
STEM vs STEAM: Why my School needs Educational Robotics ?
Technology gained a foothold into classrooms by becoming more affordable, accessible, and...
Are Chatbots a Good Idea for Your Business? [Infographic]
If you are in the consumer business or you deal with customers on the daily base you realize these customers have questions. Yes, of course, employee number X is happy to come on board. or you can use chatbots, or you can use a combination of both.
Being The New Team Member as Software Developer
As a skilled computer scientist, you can travel the world and work anywhere you like. Special as a...
Opportunities for Augmented Reality in 2018 [Infographic]
2018 is for sure the year where emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual...
Life with Google Assist also know as Google Duplex
Google Assistant (Google Duplex) is getting better at assisting you with each passing day. It is...
The Evolution of Digital Publishing – Past, Present, and Future [Infographic]
Since people are sharing information and content, the publishing industry had to revolve into a...
Bitcoin Basics: A Brief History of Bitcoin [Infographic]
Bitcoin was one of the most talk subject of 2017. The rise, the fall, the glory and also the tears...
Transparent SSL and how to move your website to HTTPS [Infographic]
Security first is always a splendid idea. Search Engines are ranking secured websites higher than...
Beyond an Idea: Creating your First Mobile App for Your Business [Infographic]
One day or the other you are going to decide that also your business requires a mobile app. But...
IoT Trends for 2018 [Infographic]
Since 2012 I had the honor to speak on government conferences across the Middle East. We had the discussion of the future of smart cities, innovations and one of the things which always popped up is the term IoT. IoT (Internet of Things) shall enhance our living environment with intelligence and with simple using data and communication through the internet. So let’s look into 2018 IoT trends, what is coming up, what will progress and stay.
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