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Pinterest Influencers 2019 Interests and Activity Patterns [Infographic]

Pinterest is still a valid social media platform when it comes to Pinterest influencer marketing. Learn today which are the top influencers on Pinterest and what are the trending topics which they represent, see if you can find value for your products with them.

Pinterest Influencers 2019 Interests and Activity Patterns
Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
Dieter Hovorka

CTO, Co-founder, Skillz Middle East

As a marketer, you want to know if you can find influencers for your products on social media and where are these influencers active. So the question should be answered, what are the most popular accounts on Pinterest? Which topics and subtopics are hot and tackled by our social media gladiators? How active are they and how many times do they pin content?

Researchers at SEMrush looked at the most followed accounts on Pinterest and compiled the findings into a report. The report was based on an analysis of the 500 most followed accounts on Pinterest.

This report could identify some influencer trends. SEMrush examined the content of influencers’ pins to find out which categories are resonating with their audiences. They could identify the top 15 accounts on the platform based on follower count.

The topics covered most by influencers are

  • home decor (29% of top pins)
  • style (22%)
  • food and drink (15%)
  • travel (6.6%)
  • art (6.6%)
  • DIY (7.8%)
  • others (13.3%)

In the sub-segment of the top 3 categories, you can find in home decor bathroom, kitchen and living room to be the most trending. In the segment style, the most popular once are fashion looks, hairstyle, and beauty. People love food and like to learn about recipes, the trend is here desserts, chicken and cocktails.

In the infographic, you can read about the most followed Pinterest accounts which is lead by @ohjoy (12.6 million followers) and @maryannrizzo (8.9 million followers) and 13 others who follow.

Furthermore, you can read how many pins they have been posting over the last 365 days, @janew with 1829 pins was one of the most active once. Out of the top 15 Pinterest accounts, @llbean shined with only 7 pins in the last 365 days.

To learn all details about Pinterest Influencers interests and activity patterns see the full infographic below. See if it fits into your marketing strategy mix and validate your investment.

Pinterest Influencers 2019 Interests and activity patterns

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