Did you ever ask yourself, what do effective Video Ads on LinkedIn look like? Learn about 4 tips on how to use LinkedIn native video, Linkedin video ads, and more.
In one year, video ads on LinkedIn generated more than 300 million impressions on their social media platform. It is no secret that the success can be proven by numbers, they earn an average of three times the engagement of plain text posts.
To reflect back to our core question, what does an effective video marketing ad can look like on LinkedIn? To find out, LinkedIn teamed up with Digivizer to make a deep look and analyze more than 3,500 LinkedIn video ads.
It came down to four key approaches which seem to work quite well.
1. Include a Product Demo in an Offer
People use LinkedIn on daily basis to find products and services. To catch the interest of your audience just enhance your videos to demonstrate your product or service. Demos showcasing how a product or service works perform well – driving the highest performance in video completion, engagement, and click-through rate.
Action: Create a video ad that shows how a product works
Audiences will keep watching until the end of a video ad more often — regardless of duration — to see an offer. Ads with an offer, promotion, or deal drive 1.2x the average video completion rate. What’s more: ads with an offer in the headline achieved an 8% higher completion rate.
Action: Experiment with offers like “First month free” or “$100 off with code.”
2. Use engaging Animation
Audiences all around the world respond positively to ads with animation. Use motion graphics to tell your brand story as well as demonstrate your product/service.
Action: Work with your digital agency or use an online tool to add sizzle to your animated video ad.
Motion graphics gain an average of:
- +1% social actions rate vs. global benchmark
- +3% click-through rate vs. global benchmark
- +8% more engagements for ads with an offer or promotion
3. Deliver Simple Audio with Caption
Use a single audio source in your Video Ads on LinkedIn: Multi-track audio will reduce your video completion rate and engagement rate. Ambient noise and music outperform monologue and dialogue on most performance metrics.
Action: Keep audio production simple in your video ad with one audio source.
Use a banner or captions: Did you know? 79% of videos in the Linkedln feed are watched with the sound off.
Displaying captions in marketing videos (in the same language as audio) can help drive higher social action from audiences.
Action: Think like a silent film director. Does your video ad communicate without relying on having sound? Use captions or type animation to visually communicate your key messages.
4. Keeping Copy Short with a CTA button
60% of video ads in the U.S. use short copy (< 150 characters) resulting in: +25% social actions rate vs. global benchmark, +5% higher engagement rate.
Action: Short, snappy copy works best: keep the copy to three lines or shorter, and get your key point across in the first two lines. After the first two lines of text, the “See more” link will be triggered which can reduce engagement by 7%.
Comparing your video ad performance vs. US and Canada averages.
- View-through rate (VTR), US 24.8%, Canada 25.8%,
- Completion rate, US 13.27%, Canada 12.47%
- Engagement rate, US 0.96%, Canada 0.89%
- Click-through rate (CTR), US 0.47%, Canada 0.48%
3,649 video ads have been analyzed on Linkedln by independent global digital marketing research company Digivizer, using automation and human processing methods. This is more than 536 hrs of research to gain insights into video ads.
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and other automation tools extracted:
- Text transcript: length, language, subcopy
- Duration in seconds
- CTA button (present vs. absent) and button text
- “See more” (present vs. absent)
- Numbers of followers
Video ads were classified and tagged by 3 independent reviewers based on:
- 12 content types
- 10 video stylizations
- 16 production and editing variables

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