How is workplace environment important to you? Considering that American adults spend at least one-third of their lives at work, it makes sense that your workspace contributes to your overall health.
Take a few seconds to look at how you’re sitting, where your monitor is positioned, and what’s around you. Do you feel good? Should you be sitting up straighter? Intuit has published an infographic with tips for making your office, desk, and work habits healthier.
For example, “1 in 3 workers has accepted or left a job due to the condition of the building and/or amenities offered,” the infographic says. And a case study cited in the infographic tells how adding natural light to a workplace increased employee productivity. Improvement isn’t limited to your desk.
The infographic suggests having walking meetings (which Steve Jobs was known for) and adding plants around the office.
A little can go a long way, and there’s perhaps no place where this is truer than in the office. Seemingly small adjustments to things such as the thermostat, lighting, and furniture can make a world of difference in creating a healthy and productive workplace that helps to retain employees. In fact, 1 in 3 workers says they accepted or left a job due to the condition of the building and/or amenities offered.
“Apart from our homes which we maintain to be warm and relaxing with calming energy. Furthermore, we then also work harder expecting one place to make us feel good productively in our days, our workplace environment. Arguably one of the most important elements in motivating and engaging employees is by having a healthy company environment. But, how exactly can you make an environment where team members are productive, happy, encouraged and accepted?”
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Such a great and informative blog.
Your surroundings can definitely improve productivity. Great list for a great environment.
awesome, definitely gonna try to have a good environment when i work, thanks for sharing!