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podcast | Skillz Middle East
The Future of Transcription and its Importance

Some people think about transcription a lot while for others the thought doesn’t even cross their minds. Either way, you’re okay. While transcription can be described as the process of converting speech to text messages, others find it “counter-intuitive”.

future of transcription
Anna speaks 3 languages and spent 2 lovely years in Austria where she took care of 3 boys. Hence there was no struggle to take care of all the dirty work in Connex. While she has been to many places in Europe she still wants to explore the rest of the world, but first, she needs to finish her University. But be careful she enjoys sarcasm!Anna’s been able to keep on a task of our successes by managing our weekly and monthly reporting for all clients. Anna is a quick study and enjoys a good challenge
Anna Kucirkova

Guest Writer

This is because the current society depends on visual and audio types of media and therefore don’t see the need to change anything.

Importance of transcription

One of the important benefits of transcription is that it helps in clarifying spoken words and helps create a written version of the visual files. It also:

Eliminates language barriers

Different people speak different languages in different parts of the world. Even those who speak a common language have different accents that make it harder to understand them. Transcription eradicated such problems and language barriers by creating a more understandable version of what’s said. It removes any “distractions” that are present in a verbal message such as the ones created by long pauses or unclear pronunciations. This leads to a more clear and accurate representation of the message that was being passed across ensuring it reaches the audience as intended. 

The future of transcription and its importance

Image Credit: Pixabay

Helps in translations

In most cases hearing a foreign language is confusing. This is not enhanced if the person speaking doesn’t pronounce the words clearly. A message can easily get lost to someone with no experience in dealing with such situations. Transcription ensures that doesn’t happen by presenting such messages in a simple manner. For instance, if someone expresses themselves in a foreign language that usually has longer words and sentences, transcription can remove the extra unimportant words and give you a simpler form of that same message. This, in turn, enhances your understanding and builds a better relationship between people of different origins.

Enhances accessibility

While communication is considered very crucial in building and maintaining relationships within societies, sometimes it can be hindered especially when there are people with a disability involved. Some of the disability may be in the form of visual impairment while others may be in the form of audio impairment. This means that in order to have good communication, the information must be converted into a readable format. Transcription takes care of both situations easily.

It helps businesses, educational institutions and even government entities communicate effectively with people with disabilities and helps them achieve their goals.

Improves clarity

There’s always a chance of information getting lost even when the most eloquent speaker speaks. Transcription removes this problem by ensuring that the speaker’s message reaches the audience as intended thereby improving interactions between different people.

Most institutions in various sectors depend on transcription to relate well with their clients. Customer services, the legal sector as and the medical sector all benefit immensely from transcription. Transcription has also helped scientific researchers and educational entities which shows that it has a wide range of impact.

The future of transcription

While it may seem like a simple task, the future of transcription seems to be more interesting, to say the least.

Researchers at MIT have developed a transcription device that can transcribe things people don’t say. The device has artificial intelligence that converts signals from someone’s jaw and faces into audible text. The AI contains electrodes that pick up the signals.

This advancement will help those who cannot speak and is still undergoing modifications to maximize its potential.


Technology hasn’t reduced the demand for transcription; it has increased it. Transcription is very important for simplifying the message being transferred in video or audio form. Transcription is also critical in translation by helping to get rid of any verbal debris. Transcription is making communication easier and more user-friendly.

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