If you are a FaceBook advertiser, you should probably already know the massive advertising targeting capabilities of the platform. With around one-fifth of the world’s population on Facebook the reach is massive, to say the least and combined with the granularity of Facebook’s user data the marketing opportunity really is insane. But if you think it is easy to find your right audience on Facebook read the infographic below which is a good cookbook.
Skillz Middle East makes Digital Transformation happening for your company. We focus on the quick win to ensure Digital Marketing, e-learning, Web Meeting, Web Conferencing, Digital Signature, Digital Asset Management are ready to enhance your organization. Digital Marketing shall save money and bring a more efficient conversion for your brand and products.
More than ever before in hostory, Facebook now offers advertisers a sophisticated toolkit to reach the right audience within more than 1.28 billion people. The result is that there has never been a more effective way to engage those matter most to your business. However, knowing about the targeting capabilities is one thing and knowing just how impressive they are is another. But did we not forget about one element of our recipe of success, yes, we need to see how we target the right audience on Facebook which is relevant for our business.
If you already use the social platform for your advertising campaign or thinking about making use of it, following below is an infographic prepared by Qwaya where they outline all the options you currently have when building a target audience on Facebook.
Hopefully, it can help you to understand a bit more about the opportunities that are available on FaceBook when trying to reach the people of interest to your business.
Read more in the infographic below and see how you can map out facebook’s options to build your audience.

Facebook is indeed the best platform for social media marketing.It has tools that help with identifying particular people who can relate to your product.It goes right down to the specifics and narrows down the large population of people to just those who would make perfect potential customers.Facebook is every business owner’s dream.The site is very friendly and as if this is not enough,many people out there are getting jobs.In fact,not getting jobs,making their own jobs as free lance social media managers.
Companies hire these people to manage their social media accounts,post videos,comments,pictures and the like on behalf of them.What better site is there?Which other site is offering these kind of opportunities?The Facebook tools assist these social media managers to pin point people with specific likes, people who live in a specific area,do a certain activity,work on certain things and other search parameters as the ones who would be interested in a certain service.